Explode the revenue of your business with this little-known strategy.

Explode the
revenue of your business with
this little-known strategy.

Explode the revenue of
your business with this
little-known strategy.

Rapid Audience

What if you could eliminate wasting your time, money and effort on inefficient 'prospecting' in it's various forms of lead generation, networking, advertising campaigns and other client attraction endeavours?

What if you could obtain new clients easier, and get significant results faster; with little effort - and at little, to no-cost to you?

Host/Beneficiary Relationships is a powerful marketing strategy, popularised by marketing guru Jay Abraham, in his book Getting Everything You Can Out Of All You’ve Got.

It is one of my favourite business building strategies, where you can explode your profits, from another businesses marketing, promotion, advertising, their sales force; years of developing and nurturing a responsive list of loyal clients.

In short, with the host/beneficiary strategy you ask yourself - who is already doing business with your ideal clients? You then approach these companies to propose a host/beneficiary arrangement.

The ideal situation is that these companies (the hosts) endorse you to their clients as a credible, quality provider of products or services - you gain access to their list of clients and prospects directly, or through joint sales efforts; the hosts gain goodwill from their clients, and a share of the profit.

Examples of Host/Beneficiary Relationships

If you're an architect, you might want to forge a host/beneficiary arrangement with a large quality building contractor, or a leading property developer.

Or, if you're a business coach, you might want to negotiate a host/beneficiary arrangement with a large national or international membership association for business professionals.

When implemented well, Host/Beneficiary Relationship marketing can be the single most effective method, to ignite your sales when you follow these basic principles...

Here's what to do

  1. Define a detailed profile of your target ideal audience. The more specific you can define your ideal client - the more potential host companies you can approach.

  2. Identify and contact large established companies (hosts), with an economically appealing pitch, that is advantageous to them and their clients. It is crucially important that the host companies, offer complimentary, non-competing products and services to what you offer, and that they have an established, strong relationship, with the target ideal audience you want access to. Ensure to supply the host companies, with well presented information about your products or services; showing testimonials that serve as clear evidence to your quality and trustworthiness. And, a strong reason for them to contact and reward their existing clients and prospects, in a way that is at no-cost, and very little, or no effort from them.

  3. Offer your host’s clients a helpful, valuable gift, that is appropriate to their industry and has a high perceived value - such as a 'free gift' in the form of a downloadable product, a business tool, a masterclass, or it might be a bonus of complimentary consulting advice, that is normally sold for a high fee.

  4. Provide your host company with a well crafted email or letter, that can be sent to their clients - this will quickly help to put your offer into motion.

  5. Reap the rewards from a wealth of qualified prospects, sales; authority and influence by association - while your host companies enjoy increased loyalty, a share of the profit, and goodwill from their clients.

Reverse Host/Beneficiary Relationships

A great thing about the host/beneficiary strategy is that it can flow two ways. If you have already established goodwill and trust with your clients - you could also consider profiting from additional revenue, by becoming a host that provides qualified leads to complementary businesses.

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